She was born Wednesday March 18th at 12:59 in the afternoon after about 16 hours labor. She weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. She is the most beautiful thing we have ever seen and Troy and I can't believe our eyes every time we look at her

I'll post more about the day once I get some time to breathe.
Thanks everyone for thinking of me.
Ashley, she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Congrats to you both, can't wait to see more pictures, get some rest :) XO
Congrats Ashley. So happy for you and your family.
Congrats Ashley, she is beautiful. So excited to see more pics, but get some rest the blog can wait a while. So happy for you!!
She's gorgeous, Ash-so pleased for you and Troy and bet you are absolutely knackered. Please post more pics when you have them, I'm dying to see more! Love you xxxx
She is so adorable!! I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to see more pictures. I hope you are taking it easy and getting some sleep when you can.
Congratulations, Ash! She's amazing :) Future DG ;)
She's gorgeous! Congrats Ash! XOXO
She has the CUTEST lips..I can't wait to meet her ;)
She's so stinking cute : )
Oh she's beautiful! Like I knew she'd be!! Congratulations!!!!!
Hope you're getting a little sleep!
She is gorgeous! Cant wait to see you all tomorrow. Love you! XOXO
That hair. That nose. She is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Congrats.
She is beautiful!!! 16 hours of labor---holy moly! Good for you girl! So excited for your little family.
Congratulations Ashley - she's absoutely beautiful!!! You're going to be such an amazing mommy.
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