On 3 days until your due date your so close!!!! Just think this could be your last weekend of your life that you are not a Mommy...sleep all you can :-)
oh, I was so hoping you had gone into labor...oh well! I was 2 days late, and it seemed like an eternity. just enjoy life while you can, you'll be VERY tired soon!
I know it seems like you want that baby to come out so bad....but sometimes I wish I could stick them back inside. Take advantage of the next few days....sleep!!!! You won't get a full nights sleep for years!
On 3 days until your due date your so close!!!! Just think this could be your last weekend of your life that you are not a Mommy...sleep all you can :-)
oh, I was so hoping you had gone into labor...oh well! I was 2 days late, and it seemed like an eternity. just enjoy life while you can, you'll be VERY tired soon!
I know it seems like you want that baby to come out so bad....but sometimes I wish I could stick them back inside. Take advantage of the next few days....sleep!!!! You won't get a full nights sleep for years!
Enjoy your weekend and be patient, she'll come when she's ready :)
She'll be here soon enough, just relax.
Guess my prediction was off! You are SOO close.....anyday now.. :)
Ha! She'll be here soon!!! I would imagine you're almost a bit too anxious to sleep at night.
There is no way that I can get a good night's sleep when my belly feels like it weighs 50 lbs. I'm trying to relax and sit tight but seriously......
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