I have been throwing around the idea of getting pregnancy pictures taken when I'm further along but I have my doubts. All the photos I see are of half naked women exposing both breasts or at least nipples and practically showing their full butt. Maybe a women's modesty goes out the window when she is large and pregnant but I'm not sure I could be that exposing to a photographer - and would I want to display these in my home?
I welcome any and all opinions on this matter...
I am actually going to do this around 30 weeks...I know someone who takes amazing photos. Totally tasteful and beautiful.
I think you should do what's comfortable for you!! I think your shots will be great no matter how much is exposed :)
I think pictures documenting the growth of your tummy are great but not sure if you really would put professional pics up in your house as in a few months the walls, fridge and everything else will be covered in baby pics.
Our friends had some really cute pics taken professionally, some of just her belly showing her and her husband's hands. They were adorable. I would go for it if its what you want to do, and as Stacie said, do what you're comfortable with. You won't regret it.
Well since I'm obsessed with photography I say DO IT! I think there is a very tasteful, artistic way to do it. I think they would be beautiful and a nice black and white shot of Troy's arms around your tummy would look stunning in your nursery :) Just my opinion. For ideas check out these these cute pics of my wedding photog when she was preggers...
My girlfriend did some at her home and I thought they were very modest and just as impressive as those naked pictures. I think its great! I don't know if I will, maybe when I am 9 months so ther is no question if it's a baby or a little junk....lol. I haven't thought about it too much, but I think I will heavily research photographers pregnancy pictures and pick one with my level of modesty. I think you should do it. :)
I think you should for sure.What a beautiful memory to catch on film and share for a lifetime. I LOVE the idea of the nursery picture with Troys arms around you in black and white.. that is precious!
I think you should do it because you will have just a cute little belly. I sort of wish I had done it but was feeling so huge every early on. We took lots of shots at home though for memmories.
I say GO FOR IT! Love the Natalie Moser examples - total hip mommy-to-be (just like you)! Congrats on the little one on the way (and thank you so much for your sweet comment)! Jackie
I did it and I wasn't half naked. We covered my boobs with a sheet thing, they are so fun to have. Galen got in some too we have him kissing my belley and stuff, cute.I hung mine above Ava's crib until we got some photos of her. It's a good idea, do it!
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