Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Santa's Ghetto Workshop

This Santa may look nice and jolly and fat & happy, but let me tell you he was none of those except maybe fat (but I think it may have been a fake belly). We experienced the most ghetto set-up at Redmond Town Center this weekend with the rudest 'elves' that looked like they were picked up on skid row. Troy and I vowed NOT to go back there but to make the trek to Seattle like we used to do - how can the Nordstrom Santa be mean and rude when he IS the Nordstrom Santa.... and plus I'm sure he is paid a heck of a lot more than our ghetto Santa.


Dett said...

I still think it's really cute...was Westyn scared of Santa at all? She is such a doll! I can't wait to see her again soon. I miss you so much!

Tara Holmes said...

Ha!!!! Love the g-h-e-t-t-o Santa! Westyn looks like she might know and try to run for it. Nordstrom all the way baby! I love it! Thanks for the sweet comment!

Michelle said...

Haha ghetto Santa! And in Redmond of all places! ;) Yes, come over to my hood...we have good Santas downtown! Cute little Westyn, she looks adorable, even if Santa was gross.

Loosy said...

OMG, why is he making that mean face?!?! Must not be getting any from Mrs. Claus. (WOW. That was inappropriate.) Westyn looks about 5 years old. She is gorgeous. She's even holding him back like, "Simmer down Santa. Walk it out."

Love it.

Erin said...

Redmond does not seem to be the place that would have a ghetto santa - sorry for the horrible experience. Westyn still looks adorable and does seem to be fazed by Santa's ghetto-ness.

thuriks said...

lol, Ash you crack me up. I'm so glad you warned us all about the Ghetto Santa because we were going to try & do a cousin's Santa Pic this year in Redmond but I think we will stick with the Nordstrom Santa. What a cute pic of Westyn & you will have a nice story to tell her about her 1st Santa experience.

The Weber Family said...

The elves were TOTALLY sketchy there, and obviously Eden knew that Santa was not nice....very cute pic of Westyn!

Blyth Family Blog said...

Nobody likes a mean santa...but Westyn sure looks cute!!!

Jen said...

I know I told you last night, but I can't get over the little look on Westyn's face. She is too cute. Can't even imagine what she's going to be like when I see her next! x

Leah said...

Stick with the downtown Santas. You just can't go wrong. I love the look on Westyn's face - she's thinking "Dude, seriously... get me out of here".

DeLane, Kevin & Parker Lilly said...

Who would have thought in Redmond there'd be some ghetto-ness going on? Westyn looks darn cute though!!

McGrath said...

Ummm....before I even read the title or your comments I thought to myself...wow, that Santa looks a little hammered on. I can't believe it! I heard RTC was struggling, I guess it's true! We went to U-Village and it was wonderful. The only complaint was the background is a little bland, but the Santa was wonderful and the cottage is very private- hence, no children screaming in the background. There's still time- and NO lines during the week, maybe you should do a re-do. XOXO