Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
All A's on the report card
The pediatrician was in awe of Westyn as she seems to be quite advanced in her development when compared to most babies at 4 month. We are starting rice cereal tomorrow as the doc said she is more than ready to have some fun - there is no nutritional value in rice cereal it's more for fun and experimenting with spoons and trying out a substance a bit more solid than breast milk. As far as her stats go, holy cow do we have a big girl.
She weighs 16 lbs 4 oz. and is 26 1/2 inches long, showing in the 97 percentile in each category.
I don't have any current pictures but will definitely have some this weekend after our Saturday morning experiment with cereal.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A special birthday wish to my beautiful friend
More then you know I wish I could spend your birthday with you tomorrow because that would mean that you are FINALLY HOME, and only a few minutes away as opposed to an ocean away. Even though you are in another country, you are never ever forgotten - we are always thinking of you and keeping our fingers crossed that someday you will be back. On your birthday, I hope that you realize what an AMAZING person and best friend you are; always so thoughtful, thinking of others way before you think of yourself. I know I speak for everyone when I say that I strive to be the kind of person that you are and have become and I admire you immensely. I am so fortunate to call you my friend, and having esentially "grown up" with you throughout college and beyond has been some of the best years of my life. We have definitely had fun haven't we!!??

Sunday, July 12, 2009
I Love.......

Yesterday afternoon Troy and I along with my parents and Brandon & Crystal, went to the Sounders v. Houston game at Qwest Field and had an awesome time in the BEAUTIFUL 85 degree Seattle weather. This was a Father's Day gift for my Dad but I was equally as excited to go as Troy and I have been wanting to see a game ever since they came back. It was pretty funny that I was the one explaining the dynamics of soccer to him whereas he is usually the one doing the explaining at sporting events - I was able to show off a bit with my knowledge of the game. My Aunt Peggy (my Mom's bestfriend) watched Westyn so we were also able to have a fun afternoon to ourselves. There's no way we would have brought Westyn in that heat especially since out seats were in the blazing sun for the first half.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Such a fun 4th!!!!!

Getting ready to ski
Grandma making Westyn laugh
Daddy and Westyn having a conversation