Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dear nice old man in the grocery store....

Yes I know that you are a Doctor at Planned Parenthood but may I advise that next time you run into a rather pregnant woman in the grocery store that it may not be the best idea to aruge with her about the sex of the baby she is carrying. Yes I know I am carrying low (which is a supposed sign of a boy) and yes as I explained I have had a few ultrasounds one which revealed the sex, so maybe next time leave it be at that. But no, you had to continue talking/shouting to me as I was walking away and yell down the aisle that I better make sure it's a girl when she comes you think I or my Doctor will make a mistake when we look at her little private parts???? Gimme a break!

That pregnant woman who is NOT carrying a boy.


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? People are so weird, next time throw a can of beans or something at him :)

Can't wait to see you on sunday!

Ronda Miller said...

Wow... how is it that we somehow manage to attract crazy people?

Jen said...

OMG! One of Mark's cousins was told she was having a boy and last week delivered a girl! Also happened to someone in my office... Pat keeps saying she hopes this doesn't happen to me (especially now that we bought all of the blue bed linens!)! Guess you have to be ready for surprises but after seeing Baby Verghese's bits I'm pretty sure it must be a massive human error to not be able to tell if it's a boy or girl when they are magnified that much (they looked HUGE!). x

Leah said...

Why are people so WEIRD?

Keri said...

At least you had a make-up moment when another old man told you how beautiful you are when you walked into your account yesterday! The other old man needs to mind his business. Amazing how people feel you are public property when you are pregnant! Seriously, though, what the heck would you do if a boy pops out!!! :)

Brooke said...

OMG. You have 38 days (+ or -) to go!!!!!!!!!!

McGrath said...

OMG! What a nutjob! I don't know what I would have done. People are SO informative when your prego, and unsolicited advise comes from every direction. Aren't you excited for the next chapter....which I hear brings the same nutjob opinions. Aw well.....xoxo