Nothing new to report except that we had a great week and ended it last night with a great night at EL T's. Met our new renter last night who signed a 24 month lease for our rental property; always nice when that happens as we won't have to worry about a tenant for 2 years. Westyn has been sprouting into this little girl every day and her hair seems to grow an inch every night. I gave in and bought her some hairclips as her bangs are so long they are constantly in her eyes. I was never the headband, hairclip, frofro type but it was getting a bit out of hand. She is doing great with normal food and I would love to stop baby food altogether but stil want to make sure she is getting all of her meats, grains, veggies, fruits. Sometimes she will chew on a piece of chicken for a few minutes but then spit it out, so until this stops I have to spoon feed her also. Kenai has learned to sit under her highchair and wait for food to drop - Westyn has learned that Kenai does this so she will pick up her food from her tray and feed it to him. They are becoming fast friends. Nursing has become a challenge in every sense of the word. She loves to nurse in the morning and at night but throughout the day she can't even be asked to sit still. I think she may be telling me something. If I had it my way I would breastfeed her until she was 5, to some that may seem unbelieveable but I have loved every second of it.
Time to go, going to Skype with my in-laws.