Westyn is becoming a little girl more and more every day. She is so so crazy but I love it! She has such a little personality and is such a happy baby. Sunday was her 7 month "birthday", and daily I can see changes in her with how she plays with toys or her looks that she gives me or how she is becoming so aware of her surroundings.... This whole motherhood gig is amazing and I wouldn't give it up for the world.
Love the new photos, Ash-they look professional! Westyn is a gorgeous and sweet little girl, can't wait to watch her grow x
I agree with Jen these pics look professional...best you have taken yet! LOVE the last one! Such a pretty little girlfriend Henry has. ;o)
She melts my heart too! So beautiful!!!
She is so cute!
Ash, she looks so cute as usual great pics. And I agree with your comment about being a mommy, it is a pretty good gig!!
Btw Jen & Misty, definitely NOT my camera, my Mom's BF Peggy was babysitting Westyn and she had a mini photo shoot.
She is so beautiful! What amazing eyes she has! Darling!
She is SUCH a cute combo of you two...hope I get to meet her one of these days!
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